Previous Projects

Joey Bongo, Jimmy Rollerskates, Skyscraper Island, Walnut Trap, Mama Bear, Juiceboy and the Squishies, Landmine Victim, Joey Bongo, Misunderstood Bobcat, Black FIngernails, Jay Jones, DJ Asia Face, Joey Bongo, Sam Nalezny, Dirty bucket, June 9th, Trapt in the minibar, Phlegm Smoothie, Fire Hat, Sam Nalezny, joey Bongo, Thiggist and the Boom Booms, Torso Party, Unisaurus, Printing, FIND ME IN THE CUT, iBBCtakedown, Blue Spooky, Sam and the Naleznies, Sam and the Naleznies, Sam and the Naleznies, Pugilist Underground, skillet, brokencyde,